If you would like to support us in bringing In Transition to life, we would be incredibly grateful.

Skylar and I started out making this movie without a huge agenda. I needed a way to process the journey we had both taken and this seemed like the way to do that. Skylar, with love, compassion and total openness, said yes without hesitation. How cool is that? Mom wants to make a documentary.  Ok! Let’s roll!

More than a year later we’ve both come to feel that maybe our story could help us amplify the voices and experiences of other trans individuals and their families. But beyond even that, to open up a broader conversation, not just around gender, but about love, acceptance and inclusion for all.

Your donation would cover the costs of post-production (editing, music, and more) along with the money it will take to distribute and promote the film – basically our ability to spread the word and make sure as many people as possible see it.

If you can, help us share what we hope is a powerful and impactful story with a wider audience.

Together, we can work towards a more understanding, inclusive and accepting society for all individuals, regardless of their gender identity.

Thank you for your support,
Erinn and Sky

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